Luxurious Bridesmaid Bouquet
Celebrate your bridesmaids with this luxurious petite bouquet, showcasing an exquisite blend of white-pinkish peonies, pinkish-purple roses, gypsophila, and aspidistra leaves. Each flower is carefully hand-selected to ensure maximum freshness and vibrant appeal, making this arrangement a perfect wedding accessory.
Arrangement Details:
- White-pinkish peonies
- Pinkish-purple roses
- Gypsophila
- Aspidistra leaves
Benefit from our same-day delivery for orders placed by 18:00, a freshness guarantee, and comprehensive care instructions to keep your bouquet stunning throughout the event.
I ordered some lovely bouquets for my dear bridesmaids and they were delivered right on time. Perfect service!
I needed next day delivery of the flowers as the flowers I ordered from another website were quite disappointing. Handy Flowers delivered on time and the flowers were just great! Huge thank you!
the only issue I had with them is the fact that their abundance of gorgeous floral arrangements made my decision a tough one. But I made my choice and received fantastic bouquets for my bridesmaids. Quick, easy and affordable!
Outstanding quality for a bargain price. Thanks so much!